Nestled in the heart of Wisconsin lies a quaint town with a unique claim to fame – Mount Horeb, otherwise known as the Troll Capital of the World. While trolls may be the town’s iconic symbol, Mount Horeb also boasts a thriving culinary scene that’s as eclectic and vibrant as its folklore. Join us on a gourmet journey as we explore some of the must-visit restaurants in the Mount Horeb area. 


Feasting Amongst Trolls: Culinary Adventures in Mount Horeb, the Troll Capital of the World

May 9, 2024

Have you been stuck at home for far too long? Ready to grab your gal pals and hit the road? Mount Horeb has everything you need for a girls’ weekend away. Any vacation is a good vacation, but unplugging with your best gals is truly the best. Whether you’re looking for a weekend full of […]

Foodie, Getaway ideas, Trip inspiration

Girl’s Weekend Getaway? Yes, please!

May 28, 2021

April showers bring May flowers . . . and outdoor dining in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin! As spring weather sets in, we’re all ready to enjoy Wisconsin weather outdoors, and what better way then outdoor dining! Keep reading for all things outdoor dining. Botham Vineyards has both a large outdoor terrace and a spacious, indoor Back-Barn […]

Foodie, Outdoors

A guide to outdoor dining in the Troll Capital of the World

April 9, 2021

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